Monday, December 15, 2008

Post 14 cancer/resp

Good Luck everyone on the final, If you have anymore questions to add feel free to send them to me. Thanks to everyone for doing that throughout the semester we really appreciate that. Good Luck again and I'll see some of you on Thursday at 12:45 in Mendo 2007.

Which drug combination is INAPPROPRIATE for treating asthma?

A. Combivent, albuterol, and ipratropium
B. Beclomethasone and salmeterol
C. Cromolyn sodium, theophylline
D. fluticasone, levalbuterol

Which of the following drugs is the best choice for treating acute bronchospasm?

A. albuterol sulfate (PROVENTIL)
B. cromolyn sodium (INTAL)
C. ipratroprium bromide (ATROVENT)
D. zafirlukast (ACCOLATE)

Which of the following drugs is the best drug for treating nighttime asthma symptoms?

A. ipratropium bromide (ATROVENT)
B. alpha-1 antritrypsin
C. theophylline
D. salmeterol (SERVENT)

The adverse effect characteristic of doxorubicin (ADRIAMYCIN) is

A. bladder irritation and bleeding.
B. cardiotoxicity.
C. hepatic fibrosis.
D. neurotoxicity.

Combinations of anti-cancer drugs are often given in order to

A. decrease adverse effects.
B. increase efficacy.
C. reduce cost of therapy.
D. 1 and 2

Which approach would be useful in treating cancer?

A. Giving a drug that caused clotting in new tumor blood vessels.
B. Lowering the dose of methotrexate (MTX) so that hair loss did not occur.
C. Administering telomerase to a woman with lung cancer.
D. Administering Leucovorin instead of doxorubicin (ADRIAMYCIN).

Common adverse reactions to chemotherapy include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Low platelet count and bleeding
B. Sodium retention and hypertension
C. Low white blood cell count and infection
D. Nausea and vomiting

Inhaled corticosteroids are used in the treatment of asthma because they

A. dilate the airways.
B. control infections.
C. decrease inflammation.
D. have a strong placebo effect.

Ipratropium bromide (ATROVENT) is a drug used to treat asthma. Which of the following drugs is most similar to Ipratropium bromide (ATROVENT) in terms of its mechanism of action?

A. atropine
B. albuterol (PROVENTIL)
C. theophylline.
D. neostigmine (PROSTIGMIN)

Mitotic inhibitors such as vincristine (ONCOVIN) are used in cancer treatment because they:

A. Substitute for a structure necessary for building a strand of DNA.
B. Cause cross-linking between strands of DNA, thus preventing cell division.
C. Block transcription of new DNA or RNA.
D. Block cell division in metaphase.

The adverse effect characteristic of methotrexate (MTX) is

A. hypersensitivity.
B. cardiotoxicity.
C. hepatic fibrosis.
D. neurotoxicity.

Your patient needs to receive "colony stimulating factors". This is most likely because:

A. The bacteria suspected of causing the patient's infection is very difficult to grow, and thus has not been identified.
B. The patient needs to make more white blood cells.
C. It can carry chemotherapy drug molecules directly to the tumor cells.
D. It stimulates excretion of toxic metabolites of chemotherapy.

COMMON adverse reactions to chemotherapy include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. neurotoxicity.
B. Low platelet count and bleeding
C. Hair loss.
D. Nausea and vomiting

This anticholinergic agent is used to treat asthma and it works by blocking muscarinic receptors. This drug is

A. ipratropium bromide (ATROVENT).
B. cromolyn sodium (INTAL).
C. theophylline.
D. zileuton (ZYFLO).

What is the mechanism of action of the cancer drug methotrexate (MTX)?

A. Topoisomerase inhibition
B. Folate antagonism
C. Stimulate white blood cell production
D. Alpha adrenergic inhibition

More questions added 12/17, thanks again Lily!!

Here are the addtional questions that were not on the blog.
Which of the following drugs is the best drug for long term maintanence of asthma symptoms?

A. isoproterenol (MEDIHALER-ISO) by inhalation
B. Isoetharine (BRONKOMETER) by inhalation
C. salmeterol (SEREVENT) by inhalation
D. High dose oral prednisone

Match the statement to the appropriate drug.

Blocks leukotriene receptors zafirlukast (ACCOLATE)
Inhibits lipoxygenase zileuton (ZYFLO)
Inhibits inflammation Both of these drugs

Which approach would be useful in treating cancer?

A. Administering estrogen to a woman with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.
B. Administering an anti-angiogenesis drug such as Thalidomine to a man with a cancerous tumor too large for surgical removal.
C. Administering telomerase to a woman with liver cancer.
D. Lowering the dose of methotrexate (MTX) to reduce nausea.

This drug is used to treat asthma and it works by stabilizing mast cells. This drug is

A. cromolyn sodium (INTAL).
B. ipratropium bromide (ATROVENT).
C. theophylline.
D. zileuton (ZYFLO).

According to the National Asthma Education Program, Cromolyn sodium (INTAL) should be used

A. as the first choice of therapy in children.
B. in combination with ipratropium bromide (ATROVENT).
C. only when inhaled coriticosteroids are not acceptable to the patient/family.
D. when the patient is allergic to aspirin.

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