Thursday, November 6, 2008

Post 9 Dysrhy/CAD

The mechanism of action of verapamil (CALAN) is

A. blocking calcium channels.
B. blocking sodium channels.
C. blocking the SNS.
D. blocking potassium channels

The major reason why beta blockers such as metoprolol are useful in the treatment of angina is because they

A. increase preload.
B. dilate coronary vessels.
C. decrease heart work.
D. reduce oxygen extraction.

A Class II antidysrhythmic such as the beta-blocker propranolol (INDERAL) is useful in treating dysrhythmia, however you should asess the patient for

A. bronchospasm.
B. an increase in blood pressure.
C. tachycardia.
D. a low potassium level.

The electrophysiological basis of automaticity is

B. slow leak of sodium into the cell.
C. rapid influx of potassium.
D. rapid influx of calcium.

Adenosine may be given by rapid intraveneous push to treat:

A. Heart failure
B. Bradycardia
C. Severe wheezing in asthmatics
D. Very rapid, regular heart rate

In general, antidysrhythmic drugs

A. Increase automaticity, speed conduction rates, and increase
B. Decrease automaticity, speed conduction rates, and decrease
C. Increase automaticity, slow conduction rates, and decrease
D. Decrease automaticity, slow conduction rates, and increase

A patient having chest pain at home would be instructed to:

A. Check their blood pressure and take an alpha-1 agonist.
B. Check their blood pressure and take a beta-blocker by mouth.
C. Apply a topical calcium channel agonist to the chest wall.
D. Put a nitroglycerine tablet under their tongue, and take an

Which 2 drugs should essentially all patients with suspected heart attack have within the first 24 hours?

A. prednisone and sotalol
B. clopidogrel and nitroglycerine
C. labetalol and aspirin
D. abciximab and dilitiazem

An elderly patient has premature ventricular contractions at a rate of 1-2 minute. This patient should receive:

A. amiodarone
B. atropine
C. digoxin
D. no drug therapy

This patient walked in complaining of lightheadedness. She was found to be in rapid atrial fibrillation, a rhythm she has been in on several different admissions. Most practitioners would treat this:

A. By trying to pharmacologically convert her out of the fibrillation with oral
B. By trying to electrically convert her out of the rhythm with cardioversion
C. By trying to pharmacologically convert her out of the fibrillation with
intraveneous amiodarone.
D. By slowing her ventricular rate down with verapamil, but leaving the atrium

The major reason why calcium channel blockers such as verapamil (CALAN) are useful in the treatment of angina is because they

A. reduce oxygen extraction.
B. increase preload.
C. decrease heart work.
D. constrict plaque size.

All of the following are predictable adverse reactions of nitroglycerin EXCEPT

A. headache.
B. hypotension.
C. chest pain.
D. tachycardia.

The electrophysiological basis for repolarization is:

A. passive diffusion of calcium out of the cell
B. slow leak of sodium into the cell
C. active pumping of potassium out of the cell
D. rapid influx of calcium into the cell

Electrical procedures such as pacemakers, ablations and defibrillation has replaced the use of dysrhythmics in many situations because:

A. It eliminates problems with patients not being compliant with the
B. The procedures are covered under the 100,000 Lives Guidelines.
C. The procedures are more effective and have fewer adverse effects than the
medicines do.
D. They are less expensive for the patient than a lifetime supply of the

A patient receives alteplase after a heart attack. What is the most important side effect to watch for?

A. bleeding
B. urinary retention
C. nausea
D. hearing loss

This slow rhythm has cuased the patinet's blood pressure to drop too low. While waiting for a pacemaker to be put in, you might give:

A. dilitiazem
B. amiodarone
C. atropine
D. metoprolol

An elderly patient who is taking a long acting form of nitroglycerin is at risk of falling because of

A. dizziness or fainting.
B. headaches.
C. increased preload.
D. slowing of the heart rate.

Digoxin may be used to treat very rapid supraventricular heart rates such as those that may occur in atrial fibrillation because it

A. increases the rate of conduction through the atrioventricular node
B. decreases SNS stimulation of the heart and decreases AV conduction.
C. decreases PNS activity
D. increases potassium excretion.

The nurse notes tall peaked T waves on the EKG. What is the most important additional assessment data to collect?

A. Pulse.
B. Blood pressure.
C. Serum potassium.
D. Serum sodium.

Which of the following generalized statements about antidysrhythmic drugs is true?

A. They cause hypertension and tachycardia.
B. They cause impotence and poor pregnancy outcomes.
C. They cause dysrhythmia
D. They increase automaticity, speed conduction rates, and increase refractoriness.

Mrs. Jones was admitted to CICU with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). Her hospital course was uneventful. When you prepare her for discharge, you would expect her to have prescriptions for

A. sildenafil if her heart rate is over 80
B. a statin if her LDL cholesterol is greater than 100
C. digoxin if her ejection fraction is over 60%
D. low molecular weight heparin if her aPTT is high

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