Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pre 9 Dysrhy/CAD

Which of the following generalized statements about antidysrhythmic drugs is true?

A. They increase automaticity, speed conduction rates, and increase
B. They cause impotence and poor pregnancy outcomes.
C. They cause dysrhythmia.
D. They cause hypertension and tachycardia.

The electrophysiological basis of automaticity is

A. rapid influx of calcium.
B. inhibition of the sodium-potassium pump.
C. slow leak of sodium into the cell.
D. rapid influx of potassium.

One strategy for treating angina is to reduce heart work. Which of the following drugs would be used to reduce heart work?

A. diltiazem (CARDIZEM)
B. digoxin (LANOXIN)
C. epinephrine (ADRENALINE)
D. dobutamine (DOBUTREX)

Most antidysrhythmic drugs act by:

A. antagonism of receptors on the SA and AV node
B. promoting metabolism of normal neurotransmitters
C. creating retrograde electrical flow
D. blocking ion channels in myocardial cells

An action potential characterized by a slow leak of ions into the cell, that has a phase 0, phase 3, and phase 4, is an __________.

A. fast action potential.
B. muscle action potential
C. slow action potential
D. repolarization potential

All of the following decrease heart work and oxygen demand EXCEPT

A. decreasing contractility.
B. decreasing heart rate.
C. increasing duration of diastole.
D. increasing preload.

When looking at an electrical tracing of the heart, the passage of electricity through the atria is displayed as:

A. The QRS
B. The AV node
C. The QT interval
D. The P wave

Which of the following should be given in the immediate time period after a heart attack?

A. beta blockers and aspirin
B. amiodarone and hydrocortisone
C. calcium channel blockers and acetaminophen
D. quinidine and lidocaine

An action potential characterized by a rapid influx of sodium through sodium channels in phase 0 and delayed repolarization secondary to calcium influx is an __________.

A. fast action potential
B. muscle action potential
C. slow action potential
D. repolarization potential

If it took extra long for electricity to get from the atrium to the ventricle, what would you see on the EKG?

A. A prolonged PR interval.
B. A prolonged ST segment.
C. A wide QRS.
D. An inverted P wave.

Drugs useful in treating angina include:

1. Calcium channel blockers because they relax arterial smooth muscle and may slow heart rate.
2. Sodium channel blockers because they slow conduction within the heart.
3. Potassium channel blockers because they increase the refractory period.
4. Magnesium channel blockers because they reduce preload and afterload.

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