Monday, October 13, 2008

Post 6 ANS 1

The antidote for atropine poisoning is

A. bethanechol (URECHOLINE)
B. phenytoin (DILANTIN)
C. physostigmine (ANTILIRIUM)
D. propranolol (INDERAL)

The antidote for overdose with a parasympathomimetic drug is:

A. atropine.
B. physostigmine (ANTILIRIUM).
C. edrophonium chloride (TENSILON)
D. propranolol (INDERAL)

Mr. Jones is a 75 year old man who was admitted to the hospital because he fainted at home. His heart rate was only 40 and his BP was low. He is given atropine. What side effects do you need to observe for?

A. Urinary retention
B. Diarrhea
C. Diaphoresis (sweating)
D. Heart block or other very slow heart rate

Extravasation of an alpha1 agonist (such as epinephrine) into the tissue surrounding a vein (or infused accidentally into an artery) can cause such severe vasoconstriction as to cut off blood supply and cause death of the tissue. What drug could be given to block this vasocontriction?

A. Phentolamine
B. Clonidine
C. Atenolol
D. Ephedra

Your patient came in with the following symptoms: fever, flushed dry skin, confusion, blurred vision, and constipation. If you suspect atropine overdose, what should you give this patient?

A. atropine
B. physostigmin (ANTILERIUM)
C. bethanichol
D. pilocarpine

Which of the following is a predictable adverse effect of clonidine (CATAPRES), an alpha-2 agonist?

A. insomnia
B. hypotension and dizziness.
C. diarrhea
D. bronchospasm

Atropine has which pharmacological property?

A. constriction of pupil
B. excessive sweating
C. increased blood sugar
D. constipation and decreased GI motility

Knowing herself to be prone to motion sickness, before her trip to the mountains, Dizzy Lizzy places a transdermal scopolamine patch behind her ear. The transdermal application will allow blockage of the muscarinic receptors in the pathway from the inner ear to the vomiting center of the brain. Although fairly selective for these receptors, there is some action at other muscarinic sites resulting in side effects of:

A. dry skin and mouth
B. diarrhea and uterine cramping
C. CNS stimulation: insomnia and seizures
D. bradycardia and urinary frequency

For many years, patients with psychosis were treated with phenothiazines like chlorproMAZINE (Thorazine). Troubling side effects included anticholinergic problems such as:

A. Constipation
B. Insomnia
C. Urinary frequency
D. Hypertension

A patient developed urinary retention after surgery. She was prescribed bethanechol (UROCHOLINE). Why is it important that nothing be obstructing the urethra?

A. The drug works by stimulating receptor sites on the urethra. Obstruction
prevents this stimulation.
B. Obstruction increases the risk of incontinence from this drug.
C. Skeletal muscles must first be in the relaxed state to allow this drug to
D. Bladder contraction against an obstruction could cause backflow of urine
into the kidneys.

K. Samuels was admitted to the emergency department with the following symptoms: excessive saliva production, copious tear production, frequent urination, diarrhea, anxiety, and hypotension. K. Samuels' symptoms are characteristic of __________ drug overdose.

A. parasympathomimetic/cholinergic
B. sympathomimetic/adrengergic
C. parasympatholytic
D. sympatholytic

Mr. Jones is a 75 year old man who was admitted to the hospital because he fainted at home. His heart rate was only 40 and his BP was low. What drug should be given?

A. The alpha-2 agonist clonidine.
B. The parasympathomimetic drug neostigmine.
C. The anticholinergic drug atopine.
D. The beta-2 agonist albuterol

Phenylephrine (NEOSYNEPHRINE)is an alpha-1 agonist. A predictable adverse effect of this drug is

A. hypertension.
B. Myasthenia Gravis.
C. sedation.
D. heart failure.

Which of the following drug classes produces the desired pharmacological effects by interacting with presynaptic receptors to reduce SNS outflow from the CNS?

A. alpha 1 agonists
B. alpha 2 agonists
C. beta 1 agonists
D. beta 2 agonists

Atropine has which pharmacological effect?

A. dilation of pupil
B. excessive sweating
C. decreased heart rate
D. increased GI motility

For many years, patients with psychosis were treated with phenothiazines like chlorproMAZINE (Thorazine). Troubling side effects included anticholinergic problems such as:

A. Hypertension
B. Diarrhea
C. Urinary retention
D. Cough

A patient developed urinary retention after surgery. She was prescribed bethanechol (UROCHOLINE). Adverse effects of this drug include:

A. abdominal cramps, hypotension, excess salivation
B. Pupil dilation, tachycardia, constipation
C. Dry as a bone, red as a beet, blind as a bat, hot as a furnance, mad as a
D. Hypertension, tachycardia, increased urine output,

A patient receives atropine preoperatively. Why?

A. To prevent them from having to urinate during the surgery.
B. To decrease respiratory secretions and keep heart rate up.
C. To temporarily paralyze muscles so the patient holds still.
D. To prevent infection.

F. Ames presented with the following symptoms: dry skin, facial flushing, visual problems, elevated temperature, confusion, tachycardia, urinary retention, and constipation. Which of the following drugs should be administered?

A. phentolamine (REGITINE)
B. physostigmine (ANTILERIUM)
C. atropine
D. propranolol (INDEROL)

Which of the following is a predictable adverse effect of clonidine (CATAPRES), an alpha-2 agonist?

A. drowsiness
B. hypertension
C. diarrhea
D. bronchospasm

Edrophonium (Tensilon) is a short-acting AchE inhibitor used to diagnose myasthenia gravis. In a patient with MG, this drug should:

A. Relax muscle spasm.
B. Raise the blood pressure.
C. Improve muscle strength.
D. Increase heart rate.

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