Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pre 8 HTN/Lipids

The diuretic furosemide (LASIX), causes:
A. Hypernatremia (high Na+ level in blood)
B. Hyperkalemia (high K+ level in blood)
C. Hypokalemia (low K+ level in blood)
D. Edema and hypertension

Enalapril (VASOTEC) is an example of an antihypertensive medicne from which class?
A. ACE inhibitor
B. Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist
C. Vasodilator
D. Beta Blocker

Which is the best approach to treating hard to control hypertension?

A. start with one drug at the normal dose and increase the dose until it
B. use the maximum dose of one drug and add a second drug at its maximum
C. use the maximum dose and add a small amount of an antagonist.
D. start with a low dose of one drug and increase the dose slowly. It it is not
effective change drugs or add a second drug at a low dose.

What lab work should be done to monitor a patient's response to atorvastatin (LIPITOR)?
A. Blood sugar and Hemoglobin A1C
B. Potassium level
C. Total Cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol
D. Drug blood levels

A patient has a BP of 138/84. What condition would indicate a need to treat this patient with hypertensive medication?
1. Diabetes
2. High HDL cholesterol level
3. Age over 60 years.
4. Female gender.

Most patients with a blood pressure breater than 160/100 should be treated with:
1. A thiazide diuretic and one drug from another class.
2. Two beta blockers.
3. Lifestyle modification only.
4. A calcium channel blocker and an angiotensin receptor blocker.

All of the following drugs classes are used to treat hypertension EXCEPT
A. alpha-2 agonists
B. beta-2 agonists
C. vasodilators
D. calcium channel blockers

Enalapril (VASOTEC) treats hypertension by
A. Stimulating alpha1 receptors on blood vessels.
B. supressing renal excretion of sodium.
C. depressing contractility of the heart.
D. inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme.

Additional Questions courtesy of Carissa Galvan, and Lily Sok, Thanks!!!

Teaching for a person taking an ACE inhibitor should include

A. report feelings of faintness to the health care provider.
B. if there is difficulty breathing or hoarsness, go to bed immediately.
C. monitor blood pressure at least once a year.
D. If you had angioedema from prior ACE inhibitor use, take a tylenol prior to taking your ACE inhibitor.

The serious, potentially life-threatening adverse of atorvastatin (LIPITOR), particularly if it is combined with a fibrate is

A. hyperglycemia
B. gastrointestinal bleeding.
C. chest pain.
D. skeletal muscle damage (rhabdomyolysis).

The Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor, ekanioril (VASOTEC) is associated with which adverse reaction(s) in as many as 1/3 of those who take it?

A. Hypokalemia (low K+ in blood)
B. Paradoxical hypertension
C. Liver failure
D. Cough and rash

A patient has a BP of 138/84. What condition would indicate a need to treat this patient with hypertensive medication?

1. Diabetes
2. High HDL cholesterol level
3. Age over 60 years.
4. Female gender.

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