Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pre 7 ANS2/CHF

Quiz 7 courtesy of Lily Sok, Jenny Lou, and Carissa Galvan. Thanks you very much ladies, we really appreciate it!!!

Beta-adrenergic blocking agents are used in the management of
A. asthma.
B. cirrhosis.
C. heart failure.
D. pneumonia.

Sympathomimetic drugs are likely to cause which of the following adverse effects?
A. bradycardia
B. tachycardia
C. hypertension
D. hyperglycemia
E. 1, 3, 4 only
F. 2, 3, 4 only

The adverse effects of beta blockers include
A. increased heart rate.
B. hypertension
C. bronchoconstriction.
D. urinary urgency.

A parasympathomimetic drug such as physostigmine (ANTILERIUM) is used to
1. decrease saliva production.
2. decrease motion sickness.
3. treat urinary retention.
4. counteract adverse effects of polocarpine.

Scopolamine may be used to treat motion sickness. Side effects of dry mouth, blurred vision and constipation result from
A. Inhibition of nicotinic receptors.
B. Stimulation of alpha receptors.
C. Inhibition of muscarinic receptors
D. Inhibition of dopamine recpetors

Drugs such as an alpha-1 agonist,that mimic the sympathetic nervous system would cause
A. pupil dilation.
B. decreased heart rate.
C. consriction of airways.
D. diarrhea.

The effects of sympathomimetic drugs include
A. decreased heart rate.
B. decreased blood sugar.
C. bronchoconstriction.
D. urinary retention.

Drug Y is an adrengeric receptor blocker. This means it
1. blocks acetylcholine receptors.
2. blocks nicotinic receptors.
3. simulates dopamine receptors.
4. blocks norepinephrine receptors.

More question courtesy of Corina Kendrick, Thanks!!!

Phenylephrine (NEOSYNEPHRINE)is an alpha-1 agonist. A predictable adverse effect of this drug is
A. hypertension.
B. Myasthenia Gravis.
C. sedation.
D. heart failure.

Which drug is administered parenterally in emergency situations, such as treating acute, liefe-threatening allergic reactions?
A. dobutamine (DOBUTREX)
B. dopamine (INTROPIN)
C. epinephrine (ADRENALIN)
D. norepinephrine (LEVOPHED

Phenylephrine (NEOSYNEPHRINE)is an alpha-1 agonist. This drug would be used to treat
A. hypertension.
B. Myasthenia Gravis.
C. nasal congestion.
D. heart failure.

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