Saturday, October 18, 2008

Post 7 ANS2/CHF

The mechanism of action of atropine is
A. activation of post-synaptic muscarinic receptors.
B. blockade of pre-synaptic alpha receptors.
C. antagonism of acetylcholine binding sites.
D. releasing norepinephrine from nerve endings.

Your patient has high blood pressure and you are considering giving him Beta-adrenergic blocking agents. Which of the following questions should you ask prior to ordering a beta blocker like propranolol (INDERAL)?
A. Do you have asthma?
B. Do you have food intolerances?
C. Do you have a family history of alcholism?
D. Are you allergic to penicillin?

Which of the following drugs would be effective in treating hypertension?
A. albuterol (PROVENTIL)
C. phenylephrine (NEOSYNEPHRINE)
D. prazosin (MINIPRESS)

You are making a home visit for physical therapy on a patient with a history of hypertension. When you ask if there have been any changes since your last visit, the patient tells you that yesterday the doctor increased the prazosin (MINIPRESS) dose. This alerts you to check for:

A. Anaphylactic allergic reaction.
B. wheezing
C. Hypotension and dizziness when the patient stands up.
D. Muscle spasms and tremors

The patient is in mild to moderate heart failure but is stable and is seen in the outpatient clinic. The heart rate is slightly elevated at 90. BP is normal at 110/70. The patient receives carvedilol (COREG) to:

A. Suppress the action of acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors thereby decreasing heart rate.
B. Activate alpha-2 receptors thereby decreasing SNS outflow from the central nervous system
C. Reduce afterload so the heart doesn't have to work so hard.
D. Stimulate alpha-1 receptors and keep the blood pressure up.

Your patient came in with the following symptoms: fever, flushed dry skin, confusion, blurred vision, and constipation. If you suspect atropine overdose, what should you give this patient?
A. atropine
B. physostigmin (ANTILERIUM)
C. bethanichol
D. pilocarpine

Pseudoephedrine is an alpha agonist added to many over the counter medications to treat:
A. diabetes
B. nasal congestion
C. insomnia
D. diarrhea

If a person has heart failure, the cardiac output is lower than is needed for adequate tissue blood flow. How would you improve cardiac output in a person who has lung congestion, jugular vein distention, tachycardia, and ankle edema?
A. decrease afterload.
B. increase increase preload.
C. increase heart work.

Drugs that improve morbidity and mortality in heart failure include:
A. Digoxin
B. Phenytoin (Dilantin)
C. Calcium channel blockers such as diltiazem (CARDIZEM)
D. The beta blocker carvedilol

A patient taking spironolactone (ALDACTONE) should be taught about adverse effects such as
A. alkalosis (high pH).
B. high potassium levels in the blood.
C. nausea.
D. constipation.

The mechanism of action of a direct acting beta agonist is
A. activation of post-synaptic receptors.
B. blockade of pre-synaptic receptors.
C. antagonism of acetylcholine binding sites.
D. releasing norepinephrine from nerve endings.

Beta-adrenergic blocking agents are used in the management of
A. asthma.
B. cirrhosis.
C. heart failure.
D. pneumonia.

A pregnant asthmatic patient leaves home for the birth clinic with the contractions are 10 minutes apart. She takes a dose of albuterol (PROVENTIL) before leaving home. What effect would you anticipate the albuterol would have?

A. Labor will be slowed as B-2 agonists relax the uterus and dilate the airways.
B. The fetus may undergo oxygen loss due to vasoconstriction associated with SNS activation.
C. The blood sugar may drop suddenly.
D. All of the above.

Propranolol (INDERAL) adverse effects include all of the following EXCEPT
A. bronchoconstriction.
B. hypertension.
C. impotence.
D. fatigue.

Drugs that improve morbidity and mortality in heart failure include:
A. Digoxin
B. Potassium supplements
C. Calcium channel blockers
D. ACE inhibitors

Patients who have NYHA class III heart failure should be taking
1. beta 2 adrenergics such as albuterol
2. non-selective beta blockers such as carvedilol.
3. peripheral alpha blockers such as prazocin
4. angiotensin converting enzymes such as angiotensin

Thanks Carissa for these additional questions!!

The mechanism of action of amphetamines is
A. interaction with post-synaptic receptors.
B. blockade of pre-ganglionic nicotinic receptors.
C. antagonism of acetylcholine binding sites.
D. releasing norepinephrine from nerve endings.

Which of the following drug classes produces the desired pharmacological effects by interacting with presynaptic receptors to reduce SNS outflow from the CNS?
A. alpha 1 agonists
B. alpha 2 agonists
C. beta 1 agonists
D. beta 2 agonists

Thanks Lily for the additional questions.

Drugs that improve morbidity and mortality in heart failure include:

A. Digoxin
B. Potassium supplements
C. ACE inhibitors Student Response
D. Calcium channel blockers

Atropine has which pharmacological property?
A. dilation of pupil
B. excessive sweating
C. decreased heart rate
D. increased GI motility

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