Friday, September 26, 2008

Post 2 Gen 2

The incidence and severity of adverse reactions caused by a drug determines which property of that drug?

A. efficacy
B. potency
C. purity
D. safety/toxicity

A drug company is conducting a "Phase III" study on a new drug. Which activity will be occuring?

A. The drug will be tested on a third species of animal.
B. The drug will be tested on a second species of animal.
C. The drug will be tested on patients who might benefit from it.
D. The drug will be tested on a small group of human volunteers.

Which of the following affects drug absorption from the site of administration?

A. binding to plasma proteins.
B. liver function
C. solubility.
D. receptor specificity

Drug K can be administered by mouth or parenterally (by injection in vein or tissue). However, the drug dose needed to produce therapeutic blood levels is three times higher when the drug is administered by mouth. Which of the following provides the best explanation for this phenomenon?

A. first-pass liver metabolism of oral dose
B. hepatic enzyme induction resulting from oral route
C. differences in drug solubility between the oral and parenteral routes
D. differences in plasma protein binding between the oral and parenteral routes

Not all drugs in use today have been rated for safety in pregnancy. Of those that have been rated, which classification represents the greatest risk?

A. Schedule II
B. Schedule III
C. Category A
D. Category X

Drug X is an acidic drug that is largely un-ionized in acidic environments. Alkalinizing the urine would __________urinary elimination of this drug.

A. increase
B. decrease
C. have no effect on

Recently the FDA has reccommended the use of Tall man lettering, such as DOPamine rather than dopamine. The purpose of this is to

1. differentiate between trade name and generic name.
2. reduce drug name confusion that could cause errors.
3. designate that this is an OTC medication.

A drug that occupies a receptor but does not activate the receptor is an:

A. adjuvant.
B. affinitant.
C. agonist.
D. antagonist.

Select the true statement about drug allergies:

A. The bigger the first dose of the drug, the more likely you will see an allergic reaction.
B. Symptoms range from mild rash and swelling to airway constriction and shock.
C. It is the same as an idiosyncratic reaction.
D. All of the above.

The 100,000 lives campaign suggested that nationwide implementation of 6 interventions could save 100,000 lives each year. Which is one of these interventions?

A. Patients should be advised to not bring a list of their home medicine when they are admitted to a hospital.
B. When a patient is on a mechanical ventilator, medicine to prevent peptic ulcers should be avoided.
C. We should give a beta-blocker drug early on and at discharge for patients with heart attacks.
D. Aspirin and other platelet inhibitors should never be given in chest pain until you are sure the patient did not have a heart attack.

General Feedback: The 100,000 lives campaign called for research based interventions (among other things) to deploy rapid response teams, give aspirin right away for heart attack, clean skin with chlorhexidine before starting central intravenous lines, keep glucose normal after surgery, reconciliate medications, and prevent pneumonia for patients on ventilators.

A teratogen is a drug that is likely to

1. cause birth defects
2. have a high abuse potential.
3. require a prescription.
4. be illegal.

A drug company is conducting a "Phase I Clinical Trial" study on a new drug. Which activity will be occuring?

A. The drug will be chemically tested in test tubes.
B. The drug will be tested in non-human animals.
C. The drug will be tested in a small number of healthy volunteers.
D. The drug will be tested in a small number of patients who might benefit from the drug.

For the breastfed infant, factors which enhance drug excretion into breast milk include:

A. Drug has a high molecular weight
B. Drug is not fat soluble
C. Drug is in the ionized form
D. Maternal drug level is high

Drugs may not be sold in the United States until they have been approved by:

A. The Food and Drug Administration
B. The National Institute of Drugs
C. The American Association of Pharmacists
D. The Center for Drug Control

What activity takes place during "medication reconciliation"?

A. Before approving a drug name, comparisons are made with other drug names to be sure nothing is similar.
B. Double checks are made on labeling of the drug before it is released to patients or those who will administer them.
C. Before administering the drug, double checks are made that it is the right drug, dose, time, route, and patient.
D. A list of the patient home medications is compared to what has been ordered in the hospital.

Additional questions courtesy of Vanessa Kelly, Thanks!!(added on 10/3)

One reason why most drugs have side effects is because
A. drugs bind to more than one receptor.
B. drugs cannot bind to the desired receptor.
C. drugs are pure.
D. the drug is not given in high enough doses.

Which property of drugs is determined by the degree that a drug can be absorbed and transported by the body to its active site?

A. bioavailability
B. efficacy
C. purity
D. safety/toxicity

S. Henry has been taking digoxin for many years. Knowing that digoxin is highly plasma protein bound, what do you predict will occur if you give him a second drug that also binds plasma proteins?

A. the potential for digoxin toxicity will increase
B. the potential for digoxin toxicity will decrease
C. the potential for toxicity of the second drug will decrease
D. nothing should happen

Binding to plasma proteins can affect

A. drug distribution.
B. drug metabolism.
C. drug elimination.
D. distribution, metabolism and elimination

In pregnancy:

A. Most drugs reach the fetus, some cause adverse effects.
B. Few drugs are able to cross the placenta, but the ones that do are almost always very toxic to the baby.

Which of the following would best apply to the term, drug interactions (as opposed to contraindications, precautions, and adverse reactions)?

A. Every drug has some side effects that many patients may experience when taking the drug.
B. One drug may counteract or enhance the effect of another drug the patient is taking.
C. Specific drugs should not be used under certain conditions, such as when a patient is pregnant.
D. The risk of complications is increased if the drug is given to a patient with an organ impairment, such as a kidney.

Which of the following is recommended by the FDA to reduce medication errors?

A. Use of bar codes on patient name bands.
B. Placing medications at the patient's bedside for self-administration.
C. Asking patient care technicians to administer drugs.
D. Using only trade name drugs in hospital pharmacies.

When a drug is heavily plasma protein bound, the fraction of the drug that exerts the pharmacological effect is the

A. free drug
B. protein bound drug
C. both the free and protein bound drug
D. metabolized drug fragments

Pharmacists are licensed to perform all of the following activities EXCEPT:

A. Prescribe which drug the patient needs.
B. Label and dispense the drug.
C. Teach the patient about the drug.
D. Analyze potential interactions with other drugs the patient is taking.

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