Friday, September 26, 2008

Pre 3 Inflam

Actions of glucocorticoids include:

A. supresses inflammation
B. fight off infection
C. inhibit glucose production
D. stimulate adrenal secretions

In addition to decreasing inflammation, NSAIDS are used to:

A. Reduce pain
B. Proote blood clotting
C. Prevent allergies
D. Raise body temperature

Azathioprine (Imuran) is used for:

A. Boosting the immune response to vaccines.
B. Preventing rejection of transplanted organs.
C. Reducing inflammation associated with migraine headaches.
D. Preventing viral infections in patients who are immune suppressed.

A transplant patient receiving immunosupression with drugs such as corticosteroids with tacrolimus, mycophenolate or cyclosporine is at greatest risk for which adverse effect?

A. Sedation
B. Infection
C. Blood clots
D. Hypotension

General Feedback: Suppressing the immune system decreases the chance of rejecting the transplanted organ but also suppresses the ability to fight off infection.

Drugs that interact with H1 receptors may be useful in:

1. Infection
2. Auto-immune disease
3. Hay fever
4. Gastric ulcer prevention

The mechanism of action of NSAIDS is to:

A. Bind reversibly to thromboxane, preventing release of acetylcholine from mast cells.
B. Inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase, preventing synthesis of prostaglandin and thromboxane.
C. Block glucocorticoid channels, stimulating the release of interleukin from white blood cells.
D. Stimulate release of iron stores from lymph cells, causing migration of white blood cells to inflammed tissue.

Azathioprine (Imuran) is used for:

A. Preventing viral infections in patients who are immune suppressed.
B. Preventing inflammation associated with sports injuries.
C. Supressing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis..
D. Stimulating inflammation to treat migraine headaches.

A relatively common adverse reaction to diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is:

A. Sedation
B. Infection
C. Gastric bleeding
D. Rash

General Feedback: Sedation and anticholinergic effects (constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision) are relatively common with diphenhydramine. Rash is less common.

Additional Questions courtesy of Vanessa Kelly and Lily Sok, Thanks!!! (added 12/2)

Adverse effects of glucocorticoids include:

A. Decreased blood sugar
B. Loss of fat tissue in the face and upper back
C. Mood and behavior changes
D. Decreased feeling in the fingers and toes.

Drugs that interact with H1 receptors attach to which tissue?

1. Blood vessels and airways
2. Stomach
3. White blood cells
4. Nerve cells

Azathioprine (Imuran) is used for:

A. Stimulating inflammation to treat migraine headaches.
B. Supressing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
C. Preventing inflammation associated with sports injuries.
D. Preventing viral infections in patients who are immune suppressed.

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